Wyoming Board of Hearing Aid Specialists

Practice Act (also called Statute) 

Current Rules and Regulations filed June 27, 2019.  These Rules are promulgated under the authority given to the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists in the Hearing Aid Specialist Licensure Act, W.S. 33-35-101 through W.S. 33-35-121.

As referenced in Chapter 1 of the Rules, you can find the following incorporated materials:

Chapter 2 - Uniform Rules for Contested Case Practice and Procedure, adopted by the Office of Administrative Hearings and effective on October 17, 2014

Chapter 2 - Uniform Procedures, Fees, Costs, and Charges for Inspection, Copying, and Producing Public Records, adopted by the Department of Administration and Information and effective on September 6, 2016 

The Wyoming Board of Hearing Aid Specialists is staffed through the Professional Licensing Boards Office, a division of A&I.

Wyoming Statute 33-35-103 (b) requires corporations, partnerships, trusts, associations or like organizations to file annually with the board a list of all licensed hearing aid specialists directly or indirectly employed by it.  The list shall be submitted to the Board Office by January 30th each year and shall include the company name and main address, name of the licensee, and their license number.